Virtual assistant placement and coaching
Residual income stream opportunities
Contract to Close service at no charge!
List to Close services at no charge!
On demand marketing, admin and prospecting services via VA's**
Social media marketing services
Global exposure, advertising and networking
Team friendly and team office offerings/blueprints
Online streamed weekly sales meetings
Online on demand training
Multiple options for CRM's - MoxiWorks & RealScout
Personal Agent Website
One-on-one Mentor program
IT coordination and assistance
- backend agent support
Zillow 3D Tours & Floor plans included*
Ability to use the Lounge at any time to work, entertain clients, or network
Use of electronic whiteboard
Unique bays to work in and different sitting areas for multiple conversations
Stocked bar with Wine and sipping Vodka, Tequila, and Scotch
Snacks provided throughout
Support staff of 22 and growing
Post and CE classes held regularly
Pay at close options for payday
Refer It 21 Agent Referral Program opportunity for residual income
Earnnest app for streamlined and convenient earnest money handling
Lead generation and coaching
Team opportunities for maximum growth
Signs and lockboxes included*
Affordable print solutions for optional print jobs
Direct mail management and oversight
Standard Listing Presentation magazines and branded listing folders included. Personalized magazines are available at an additional charge
*Signifies benefit only available to Atlanta area offices
**Signifies benefits that cost extra